SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
1 | 2025-0064 | BARC/TSD/ET/60/2024-2025 e-Tender | Servicing, maintenance and addition alteration of electrical installations of various buildings at South Site, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai –85 [NIT] {Annual Contracts and Services} | 10-Mar-2025 | 25-Mar-2025 |
No NITs/Minor Fabrication Tenders for this Category
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
1 | 2025-0042 | BARC/CED/ET/55/2024-2025 e-Tender | Structural repairs, painting and Miscellaneous Civil Work of HIRUP building and other sea side buildings in BARC, Trombay, Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 11-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | |
2 | 2025-0054 | BARC/FRD/ET/5/2024-2025 e-Tender | Miscellaneous Civil Repairs and Reconditioning Works for the year 2025-26 at FRD, NRG, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 [NIT] {Civil} | 20-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | |
3 | 2025-0034 | BARC/CED/ET/51/2024-2025 e-Tender | Mechanized de-silting and refurbishment of sewage collection and rain water wells at various locations spread over entire BARC campus, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 [NIT] {Civil} | 28-Jan-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | |
4 | 2025-0051 | BARC/CED/ET/58/2024-2025 e-Tender | Maintenance of P.H. works and allied civil works at Sea side Buildings, North site, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai Year 2024-25 [NIT] {Civil} | 19-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | |
5 | 2025-0049 | BARC/CED/ET/57/2024-2025 e-Tender | Structural Repairs, External Painting, providing Rain water traverse and Miscellaneous Civil Works in Block-F Building of CDM, North Site BARC, Trombay, Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 14-Feb-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | |
6 | 2025-0044 | BARC/CED/ET/56/2024-2025 e-Tender | Annual Maintenance of Rolling Shutters in various Building at South Site for the year 2025, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 13-Feb-2025 | 20-Mar-2025 | |
7 | 2025-0055 | BARC/CED/ET/59/2024-2025 e-Tender | Refurbishment of Glass Facade areas of lift lobbies at C, D & corridor block at Mod Labs, North site, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 21-Feb-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | |
8 | 2025-0063 | BARC/CSS/ET/52/2024-2025 e-Tender | Maintenance related to Civil and PH works including miscellaneous Civil renovation works of various places at BARC Hospital, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Mar-2025 | |
9 | 2025-0066 | BARC/CED/ET/63/2024-2025 e-Tender | Cleaning terraces, roofs, chajjas, storm water drains, water tables etc., for Seaside buildings, North Site, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai Year 2025 [NIT] {Civil} | 05-Mar-2025 | 26-Mar-2025 | |
10 | 2025-0065 | BARC/CED/ET/65/2024-2025 e-Tender | Refurbishment of Van-de-Graffe building including waterproofing of Terraces and other allied Civil work at North site BARC, Trombay Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 10-Mar-2025 | 01-Apr-2025 | |
11 | 2025-0057 | BARC/CED/ET/62/2024-2025 e-Tender | Development of Exhibition Gallery and allied works in Auditorium of Central Complex, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai [NIT] {Civil} | 27-Feb-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 |
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
1 | 2025-0045 | BARC/TSD/ET/54/2024-2025 e-Tender | Up-gradation of electrical system and day to day requirements of power & light point wiring at Mod-Labs building, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai-85 [NIT] {Computer, Electrical and Electronics} | 18-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | |
2 | 2025-0050 | BARC/TSD/ET/56/2024-2025 e-Tender | Upgradation of IT infrastructure of Drawing office and ESG servers,TSD Building, North site, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 [NIT] {Computer, Electrical and Electronics} | 21-Feb-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | |
3 | 2025-0053 | BARC-V/ESS-V/2025/01 e-Tender | Internal Electrification, Data networking, CCTV and associated works of Canteen Building near GSB in main campus of BARC, Atchutapuram, near Visakhapatnam, A.P [NIT] {Computer, Electrical and Electronics} | 21-Feb-2025 | 23-Mar-2025 | |
4 | 2025-0061 | BARC/TSD/ET/55/2024-2025 e-Tender | Providing LT electrical system and allied works of Main Building at P1185, Rawatbhata Rajasthan - 323303 [NIT] {Computer, Electrical and Electronics} | 05-Mar-2025 | 02-Apr-2025 |
No NITs/Minor Fabrication Tenders for this Category
No NITs/Minor Fabrication Tenders for this Category
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
1 | 2025-0048 | BARC(T)/NRB/INRPO/SWMF/WPF/Compactor/2025/555 e-Tender | Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation and Commissioning Works of 500 Te Compactor with Conveyor, Enclosure and Control System in WPF, NRB Tarapur [NIT] {Mechanical and Industrial} | 14-Feb-2025 | 09-Mar-2025 | |
2 | 2025-0047 | BARC(V)/TQS/AC System/06 e-Tender | Air conditioning system work for new Canteen building (near GSB) at main site of BARC Visakhapatnam [NIT] {Mechanical and Industrial} | 13-Feb-2025 | 13-Mar-2025 | |
3 | 2025-0062 | BARC(T)/NRB/INRPO/AWTSF/2025/OPA-287 e-Tender | Fabrication, inspection, painting & supply of structural platform for supporting & storage of Tetra drum container for Compartment C&D at AWTSF /NRB, Tarapur [NIT] {Mechanical and Industrial} | 07-Mar-2025 | 27-Mar-2025 | |
4 | 2025-0052 | BARC/TSD/ET/50/2024-2025 e-Tender | Up gradation of ventilation system at Hall -5, BARC Trombay, Mumbai 400 085 [NIT] {Mechanical and Industrial} | 24-Feb-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 |
SNo. | Tender ID | Tender No. | Name of Work | Issue From | Issue To | Details |
1 | 2025-0056 | GEM/2025/B/5994468 GeM bid | Cosmetic maintenance of Zone-I areas of BARC, Trombay, Mumbai for a period of Two years [NIT] {Miscellaneous} | 25-Feb-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | |
2 | 2025-0058 | GEM/2025/B/5994726 GeM bid | Cosmetic maintenance of Zone-3 areas of BARC, Trombay, Mumbai for a period of Two years [NIT] {Miscellaneous} | 25-Feb-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | |
3 | 2025-0059 | GEM/2025/B/5994117 GeM bid | Cosmetic maintenance of Zone-2 areas of BARC,Trombay, Mumbai for a period of Two years [NIT] {Miscellaneous} | 25-Feb-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | |
4 | 2025-0060 | GEM/2025/B/5994620 GeM bid | Cosmetic maintenance of Zone-4 areas of BARC, Trombay, Mumbai for a period of Two years [NIT] {Miscellaneous} | 25-Feb-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 |