Arsenic is a well known toxic chemical that environmental protection agency (EPA) and World health organisation (WHO) list as known carcinogen. The high toxicity and widespread occurrence has created a pressing need for effective monitoring and measurement of arsenic in ground water. Permissible limit of arsenic in drinking water is 10 ppb (WHO). To distinguish safe water sources from arsenic contaminated water, field oriented arsenic detection methods are apt, avoiding the need of sending water samples from remote areas to laboratory facilities. Onsite detection methods are quick and the results obtained serve for immediate action. The arsenic detection kit, thus enable onsite analysis of water samples from field areas.The kit is designed to take care of interferences observed in ground water samples and is user friendly. Further the kit is simple, reliable and sensitive for detection of arsenic at 10 ppb
Over 200 millions of people across the globe are exposed to arsenic contamination of water. South East Asian countries are severely affected with ground water arsenic pollution. In India 20 states and 4 union territories are affected with ground water arsenic contamination above 10 ppb. For estimation of arsenic, instrumental methods are available, which is used in laboratory environment. For onsite analysis of water, potable arsenic detection kits are employed and visual detection of colour is compared with a colour chart.It is important that field oriented arsenic detection kitsprovide reliable, sensitive, fast analytical information.
The field test arsenic detection kitemploys a non toxic, stable reagent for sensing arsenic and the colour generated for test sample is compared with colour chart to arrive at arsenic content of water. A colour change from pale yellow to pink purple is easily identified. Content of arsenic is estimated at various levels as desired from 0-100 ppb.
Field test kits are extensively used for testing arsenic content of well water. Advantage of thekit is onsite analysis for screening the well water for its quality for consumption. Analysis relies on Gutzeit test based on generation of arsine gas from dissolved inorganic species present in water. The field test arsenic detection kit is reliable, sensitive, user friendly and affordable and it also serves remote rural villages that lack facility for arsenic detection of ground water sources.
Arsenic detection kit is a field oriented test method for testing arsenic through visual detection of colourobserved for the content of arsenic in test water sample. During the test, arsine gas is generated from water and a colour change from pale yellow to purple pink is obtained on sensor strip. As content of arsenic is increased, intensity of colour developed on sensor strip increases. With comparison with the colour chart, concentration of arsenic in water isestimated.
The test is carried out with 25 ml of test water sample taken in a plastic bottle. The sensor strip is fixed to the cap. Four reagents are provided in separate bottles. Prescribed quantities of reagents are added to test water sample in the order as described. The bottle is closed with the sensor fixed on cap.Test is carried out for 10 minutes. The colour generated is compared with colour chart to deduce concentration of arsenic in water.
All chemicals and consumables requiredfor preparation of arsenic detection kit are available in local market.
Infra structure
Assembly of arsenic detection kit can be done in a room with light and water facilities.The roomshould have sufficient storage facility for chemicals and kits. Preparation of strip is carried out on a clean table. All reagents and sensor strips are packed in bottles and stored in air tight containers. Test kit is arranged in boxes and stored for dispatch.
A trained supervisor and one person to assist will be able to take care of preparation of sensor strip and assembly of arsenic detection kit.