Dietary fibers are considered as an important nutritive component of human health. Guar gum is one of the most promising soluble type of dietary fiber is a polygalactomannan derived from seeds of legume plant, Cyamopsis tetragonalobus. Naturally isolated guar gum needs to be depolymerized to be used as dietary fiber. Use of gamma radiation offers an alternate method to enzymatic degradation of guar gum. Present technology details process for purification and subsequent radiation processing of guar gum to obtain partially hydrolyzed guar gum for use as soluble type of dietary fiber.
Proposed technology is methodology for purification of guar gum and its subsequent radiation processing for manufacturing hydrolyzed guar gum with desired Mw (approximately 5000 – 10000 Da) to be used as soluble type of dietary fiber.
Dietary fibers are considered as an important nutritive component of human health. Guar gum is one of the most promising soluble type of dietary fiber is a polygalactomannan derived from seeds of legume plant, Cyamopsis tetragonalobus. It is widely used as thickener in food products. Molecular weight of guar gum ranges from 2000 to 3000 kDa and it provides extremely high viscosities in aqueous solutions even at low concentrations. Guar gum needs to be depolymerized to be used as dietary fiber. It is subject to controlled partial enzymatic hydrolysis for depolymerization and lowering of viscosity. Use of gamma radiation offers an alternate method for guar gum depolymerisation. Present technology details process for purification and subsequent radiation processing of guar gum to obtain partially hydrolyzed guar gum for use as soluble type of dietary fiber.
SPACE & Manpower
Note: Some facilities for commercial food irradiation are listed below-