The proportional counting system is useful for measurement of absolute emission rate from large area α-β coated sources. Detector is based on a multiwire proportional counter with a gas flow arrangement. A coated source is mounted within the sensitive volume of the detector. Design of windowless counter and large sensitive area enables efficient counting of emissions in near 2π solid angle and frequent change of source. Measuring the absolute rate of emission from the sources is an important requirement for many of the applications.
Parties with experience and interest in building nuclear radiation detectors / sources are invited.Coated large area α-β sources are used for a number of applications. Measuring the absolute rate of emission from such sources is an important requirement for many of the applications. This leaflet gives a brief description of a multiwire proportional counter, for activity calibration of large area coated sources, developed at BARC.
It is a windowless detector based on gas flow arrangement and is useful to determine surface emission rates and absolute activity from the large area coated α/β sources having size up to 10 cm x 15 cm. Its key features are:
Fig 1 (a) A completely assembled 2p-proportional counting chamber
Fig 1 (b) Schematic of a chamber with peripherals
2π-proportional counting chamber with multiwire field grid is useful for precise activity measurement of large area α-β coated sources.
The proportional counting system is useful for measurement of absolute emission rate from large area α-β coated sources. Detector is based on a multiwire proportional counter with a gas flow arrangement. A coated source is mounted within the sensitive volume of the detector. Design of windowless counter and large sensitive area enables efficient counting of emissions in near 2π solid angle and frequent change of source. PC is hermitically sealed using O-ring and clamps. A suitable provision for frequent manual loading, unloading of source samples is possible.
Detector specifications are as per the international regulations (ISO 1988) for calibration of contamination monitor and as per [ISO 8769] recommendations for reference transfer instrument.
A simple data acquisition system consists of preamplifier, amplifier and counter scalar to record the data. These accurately calibrated sources are further used to calibrate efficiency of hand–foot, floor contamination monitors and are used in checking radioactive spillage at various nuclear facilities.
Electrical Power Requirement