Division/Section Name
As DAE expands its nuclear power generation by incorporating Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR), Nuclear Recycle Board (NRB), an entity within BARC plays a pivotal role by bridging the first and second stage of Indian nuclear power program. Since its inception in 2009, the NRB has visualized a clear mandate of complete back end operations relevant to PHWR as well as FBR fuel cycle. This include transit storage and reprocessing of spent fuels from thermal and fast reactors, associated waste management and fuel fabrication as well. As the high level waste generated during reprocessing of spent fuel is a host of various radioisotopes of medical, agriculture and industrial applications, NRB is pursuing recovery of those worthy isotopes by adopting in-house developed advanced technologies and equipment. The NRB is also involved in design, construction and commissioning of large capacity integrated fuel cycle facilities for PHWR and FBR spent fuels. NRB operates under the purview of BARC Safety council
Foundation Stone laid for Construction of “Integrated Nuclear Recycle Plant” by Dr. Shrikumar Banerjee (then Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) on 16 March 2012.
Tarapur Reprocessing Plant (TRP) was commissioned on 07th January 2011. TRP plant is Designed, Constructed and Commissioned to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from 220 MWe PHWR.
Latest technological aspects and rich operating experience are considered in the design to achieve name-plate capacity and produce quality products.
Radiological safety and environmental discharges are emphasised in design, construction and operation of the facility.