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Solid State Physics Division carries out frontier research on various aspects of Condensed Matter Physics.
✔ Advanced Magnetic Materials
✔ Structure and Dynamics of Functional Materials
✔ Soft Matter Structure and Interaction Studies
✔ Nano Structures and Interaction Studies
The Division is responsible for the building, maintenance, operation and utilization of the National Facility for Neutron Beam Research (NFNBR) at Dhruva reactor.
In addition, the Division is also responsible for development of neutron detectors such as BF3 Proportional Counters, 3He based 1-D Position Sensitive Detectors and 2-D Area Detectors.




For inelastic neutron scattering experiments from single crystals/ polycrystalline samples.


Study of size/magnetization of magnetic domains or clusters at mesoscopic length scales.


Based on four circle Eulerian geometry. Used for study of high precision 3D structure of materials.


Study of magnetic ordering/phases in technologically important polycrystalline magnetic materials.


Delineation of chemical and magnetic structure phase diagrams of poly-crystalline materials.


For inelastic neutron scattering experiments from polycrystalline samples.


Study of short and intermediate range order in glasses, liquids and disordered crystals.


Study of stochastic molecular motion in pico second time scales. It provides both time scale and geometry of motion.


A medium resolution Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instrument used to study structural features in 20 nm to 1000 nm scale.


Study of depth dependent magnetic properties of thin films and multilayers.


SANS instrument is used to determine the structure and interactions at nanometre length scales.


A multipurpose neutron beam line for varigated uses such as detector calibration, neutron radiography etc


SSPD is developing two facilites at Apsara U Beam lines viz. (1) Single Crystal Alignment Facility and (2) Detector Test Facility


Probe morphology of nanostructured materials in film as well as powder form along with elemental analysis of nanoparticles, alloys, porous materials, ceramics, polymers etc.


Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering Beamline for study of structures at Mesoscopic length scale (1-100 nm), covering wide range of fields, including alloys, polymers, macromolecules, emulsions, porous materials, nanoparticles, soft-matter etc.


12 Tesla Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) to study the magnetic properties of various technologically important materials.


Used for polarization property measurements like ferroelectric hysteresis, leakage current, fatigue measurements, retention, and imprint measurements on the samples


Raman spectroscopy of single crystals, polycrystals, 1D-2D materials, nanocrystals, glasses, liquids and for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectrometer


Measures fluctuations in intensity auto correlations to determine the hydrodynamic size and diffusion of particles in a suspension.


For the investigation of conduction properties of energy materials as a function of frequency, temperature, controlled gas environment, and magnetic field.


Instrument for studies of hyperfine interactions in Fe containing samples using Co-57 source (50 mCi)


To measure the magneto-caloric properties of potential magnetic materials for magnetic refrigeration.


9 Tesla Cryomagnet with following physical properties measurement options: Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), AC Susceptibility, Resistivity and Hall Effect, Heat Capacity,Thermal Transport, High Temperature VSM


The 3-gun sputter up system has been designed to deposit large area thin films and multilayers of various materials (metals, semiconductors, oxides, dielectrics) which can be deposited independently or in combinations of up to three at a time.


To grow the oxide single crystals using an optical floating zone technique employing four halogen lamps and ellipsoidal mirrors.


Five Muffle furnaces with max temp1600-1700°C. One tube furnace with maximum Temperature - 1700 °C


Electrical heating furnace with Ar, N2 , O2 Gas flow environment and maximum Temperature - 1700 °C


Electrical heating furnace with ambient condition suitable for preparing oxide sample and annealing sealed samples. Maximum Temperature - 1700 °C.


For soft matter systhesis this lab has equipments such as: Zetasizer, Autotitrator, Ultrasonicator bath, Centrifuge, Vortexer, Controlled Temperature Bath, Magnetic stirrer, pH meter etc.

Technologies Developed

(31-03-2020) Development of Cold Neutron Source

Optimisation of liquid hydrogen moderator chamber location and geometry has been done using Monte Carlo simulations. Mechanical Stress Analysis of Cold Source has been completed.


Experimental setup for direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), namely adiabatic temperature change (ΔТ) has been designed.


The detector development facility makes variety of neutron detectors for the neutron scattering facility of SSPD. The team has also made detectors of other types.


Neutron scattering experiments needs: Motor Position Control, Front End Nuclear Electronics, Data Acquistion Systems, Sample Environment Facility to set Temperature and Magnetic feild and Experiment Control Software. There are several developmental activities on this front.

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